Scholarship Application



Due: June 15, 2025

The Sunriver Stars Community Theater Scholarship Program is designed for those students who have been involved in SSCT programs and productions and are seeking to further their education and development in live performing/theater arts including technical aspects of theater.

Full Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________

Telephone Number(s): ______________________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________________________

Current School Attending: _________________________________________________________

Grade: ________ Age: ________ Gender: ___________ Current GPA: _____________________

Please list all Sunriver Stars Theater programs, outside theater, and school plays you have been involved in:




Please list the positions or roles you had or things you did:




Name the program or school in which you are interested, and for which you would like financial help:


Have you been accepted?  ________   Total estimated cost:  ______________________________

What other sources of funds are available to help?  ____________________________________


List any scholastic achievements or awards: _____________________________________________


Please provide the following documentation:

  1.  A short essay describing your involvement in live theater, your future goals, and why the program or school you wish to attend will help you achieve your goals.
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Information about the school or program including contact information
  • Current transcript or grade report

Sunriver stars Community Theater, a Non-Profit 501(C)(3) Tax Exempt Organization, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, ethnicity, national origin, or disability. Scholarship awards are dependent upon funds available.         

Sunriver Stars Community Theater   P.O. Box 3712 Sunriver, OR  97707

A 501(c )(3) Non-Profit Organization Tax ID #36-4733937