Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn are back again with a series of adventures along the Mississippi River. Considered one of Mark Twain’s finest stories and bristling with satire, thrills and drama, Tom and Huck are joined by their friends, Duke and King, in an epic adventure apprehending con artists and turning trouble into opportunity.


Auditions and Rehearsals

November 7 – 10, 2024
Performances @ TBD


Huckleberry Finn
About 15 Years old. The town’s pariah. Lives most of the time on his raft. He is considered to be a bad influence on boys his age by all their mothers.

Tom Sawyer
Around 14 or 15. Dislikes having to do his chores. Ready for fun and adventure anytime.

Sarah Williams
A pretty girl of 13 or 14. Enjoys flirting and being catered to.

Laurie Adams
Sarah’s best friend of abou the same age. Agrees to anything Sarah wants to do.

A man in his mid-30’s. His clothes have an elegant flair, although frayed and creaseless. Speaks in a grandiose manner but oviously self-educated. He lives by his wits and clever tricks.

An elderly codger with gray whiskers. His clothing consists of an old slouch hat, a greasy woolen shirt, and ragged blue jeans stuffed into boots. Becomes involved with Duke.

Sheriff Jenkins
A loud and cantankerous old fellow. Law, order and justice are what he lives by.

County Marshal
Has no mercy for cheaters and tricksters.

Mary Jane Wilks
A lovely red-head…most awfully beautiful. She is intelligent and willful. Very much attracted to the young and handsome Dr. Robinson. She is the eldest of the three Wilks girls.

Susan Wilks
Susan is 15, blonde and quite pretty. She is attracted to Huck.

Joanna Wilks
A brunette of 14. She and Susan and inseparable. She is keen on Tom.

Widow Bartley
A fluttery, talkative, flirtatious, old widow. Has her eye on the Duke.

Mrs. Ben Rucker
Frivolous and filled with romantic notions.

Mrs. Hobson
Wife of the village Deacon.

Ben Rucker
Honest, hard-working man and friend to Peter Wilks.

Henrietta Bell
Elderly lady, wife of the village lawyer.

Dr. Robinson
Young and handsome. Attracted to Mary Jane.


House manager

Stage manager 

Set Designer

Costume & Make Up 

Lighting and Sound Tech

Please contact with any questions.